Saving a marriage in trouble requires determination and focus. It is important to know what you really want in the marriage and why you believe it is important to save your marriage. The save the Marriage system developed by Dr. Lee H. Baucom presents an opportunity for couples in a marriage, whatever the state of health of the relationship, to restore the relationship to the good thing it was, or even better. Dr. Baucom is a Marriage Counselor who has for the past 20 years helped couples to create and recreate their relationships.
The Save the Marriage is an easy to read e-book which has set out its powerful insights on how to save marriage from divorce in 158 pages. This e-book presents the heavy scientific information in a friendly, conversational tone, rather than as an academic. Understanding why the traditional couple therapy does not work as well to address the root causes of relationship deterioration is a major factor in addressing the weaknesses in your relationship. Of course, the level of interest in the marriage is an indicator of whether the marriage is going to be saved. At least one of the parties in the marriage relationship should want the marriage to work.

Vital Secrets
The starting point for this e-book is a shift in the the perspective of both partners from believing that misperception, rather than poor communication is the real culprit for marriages to break down. The system operates on a different premise compared to what drives other therapeutic interventions. The critical thing that has been introduced in the discussion on marriage and relationships is a total change in paradigm. Dr. Baucom emphasized the importance of shedding the separate individual identities in a marriage relationship to embracing the concept of “We”, where the two becomes one. This fundamental shift in focus has helped thousands of couples to reconnect with themselves as a couple in a marriage rather than as two individuals in a relationship.
Within 17 chapters, the e-book outlines numerous secrets to a happy and fulfilling marriage. Here is just a brief indication of what you will learn from this informative e-book. First of all you will understand the concept of “WE” and the vital lessons on how to maintain that connection within the marriage. You will also learn the true ingredients of a marriage that succeeds. These include among other things perception, communication, direction, and action. You will also learn about the “North Star” of your relationships. It is the factor that brings everything together and keeps the relationship grounded. Every couple should have a “North Star”, but this must be properly defined and understood in order for it to work to their advantage.

Other information that you will learn by reading the Save the Marriage e-book are the three simple secrets to a marriage relationship success. Learn also of the simple question to ask yourself in order to connect with your relationship with your spouse. Understand what to do when your emotions get out of control and see why your paradigm perception plays a strong role in your relationships. Establishing boundaries is another lesson from the system which demonstrates that boundaries in a marriage are vital benchmarks to use. Expressing gratitude as well as practicing forgiveness are two of the many practices that lead to a successful marriage.
By the time you reach the chapter dealing with understanding the steps to intimacy, you would have appreciated that no matter how bad the relationship may be, you can still save a marriage that was heading toward divorce. Regaining intimacy is not as farfetched as you think and real intimacy can be achieved even if before you were at each other's throats. A critical lesson is that intimacy comes at the end of a series of turbulent steps that couples must go through.
The Save the Marriage system also teaches the ways choosing your mood will enhance your relationship, not only with your spouse, but with everyone you come in contact with. This insightful e-book shows that you have the power to select your mood and avoid foul moods that harm your relationship with your spouse. Shifting the emphasis from living in the past toward living in the present also provides an important consideration for a successful marriage. The interesting subject of sex in marriages comes up for discussion in the e-book. You will learn how the breakdown of sexual energy in marriages actually contributes to the eventual deterioration of the marriage itself. Even the touchy subject of money within the marriage does not escape the attention of this e-book. You will find that decisions about money are crucial factors that can make or break a marriage, and there are ways to minimize the harm that money may cause in marriages. Readers are also encouraged to find ways to evolve in their relationships as a couple.

Other Powerful Resources
When you purchase your copy of this marriage saving e-book, you will receive additional resources that will help you succeed in your efforts to make your marriage work. The system comes in four powerful modules that address the five mistakes to avoid when marriage crisis hits, a quick start to saving the marriage, the core component of the system itself – the e-book, and a step by step guide to saving your marriage. Bonus offers for a limited time only are two audio reports on coping with mid life crisis and recovering from an affair, a report on the five rules for making arguments fair, and an e-book written by a couple whose marriage survived the brink of divorce. Dr. Baucom is confident about this revolutionary system that he had thrown in a 60 day, no questions asked, 100% money back when you purchase this e-book.
Stop Wasting Time! Take Action!
Even if your spouse is hell bent on divorce, you have the power to take charge of your marriage and rescue it with the Save the Marriage system. Take that vital step to get your spouse back in less than 60 days! Simply visit the official website of this marriage saving system and learn all what you need to do to save your marriage. You will be that much happier for this and your spouse will also love you for taking this important step.